Tuesday, October 29 2024
We are fast approaching the end of 2024. We have seen so much happen in our world in the past 4 years, but I sense such hope arising in our nation. What looked like dome and gloom—suddenly we can see some rays of sunshine on the horizon. Have you felt as though you have been in a fight just to survive these past 4 years? I have. It has been difficult to dream, to believe that there is something worth pressing toward. I don’t think that it was hopelessness but that it was difficult to find my footing in the midst of such great change around us. I want to encourage you. As we approach 2025, now is the time to be fruit inspector of your life. What does that mean? We don’t have to be in a fight or flight battle just to survive through difficult times. Something has shifted, and it is as though every promise is now coming into fulfillment (Ezekial 2:28). Take the time to look at what you are investing in. What is producing fruit and what is not. What is not can’t go with you in this next season. Remember learning about the process of a butterfly? They go through a complete metamorphosis. There is a part of the process called PUPA. This is when the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. They don’t look to pretty during this metamorphis. There are actuallly 4 stages to this process. The first is that of the eggs laid by the butterfly. The eggs hatch by themselves, revealing small caterpillars; the second stage. The caterpillars eat and eat. As they grow, they undergo four to five in-stars. This is where they molt and shed their old skin to become bigger caterpillars. The third step is that of the pupa. The caterpillar’s final molting reveals a chrysalis, a hard outer shell. This creates a protected space for transformation to a butterfly. During times of transition you may find yourself in a protective shell—that is for your protection as you go through the process yourself of being transformed. One the other side is something beautiful but you have to shed that protective shell you are in to break free into something new. If a butterfly doesn't emerge during this time of being transformed he will likely die because it won't have the strength to fly. I believe we as a nation are about to see great transformation. What we were truly created by God for. That means YOU are going through a great transformation. There will be struggle, there will be uncertainty but what is coming on the other side will be complete transformation into something beautiful. Don’t be afraid of the process. There was a time in my life when I went through a great struggle. It took years of my life and lots of painful process to enter into something new. I hated change. I fought change. But that fear of change made me stuck in the process. Change is inevitable but we don’t have to fight what should come naturally. The fear comes from not being able to control the process. As a child of God we don’t have to control it. We just have to lean into it and allow God to shape and mold us into His image. We do that by simply cooperating with the change. He is a good Father and will lead you through that metamorphosis into a beautiful image of His creation. As things are shifting—relax and enjoy the process. Trust your Father! What is coming on the other side is beautiful. Change is good. Allow God to remove somethings in your life as he shapes and molds you into His image. 2 Corinthians 3:18 - And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is} the Spirit. I am ready to see that change into something beautiful! I am tired of the protective shell I have been living in and am ready to shed that to reveal something glorious. God is not going to remove the good things he has placed in your life. He is only going to prune the things that are holding you back. Once that is removed you will see that you can trust your Father to move you into a new place where all the promises of God are realized. Those dreams in your life are there from God. Allow him to transform you so you can hold what is coming. Move into the change, remove the hard shell, and let God bring you into a large place where you can expand your wings to their fullest. Imagine, caterpillars can’t fly but they are transformed into beautiful butterflies that are FREE to go anywhere. They are not limited by their surroundings. It’s time to shed somethings. It’s time to be transformed and come into that larger place where we are free to SOAR. Bless you in the process! It is going to be glorious! Tammy Sunday, September 29 2024
Money is a tool, money is not our God. It is a scientific fact that we learn "how to live life" between the ages of 0-7. Everything at that stage is learned through observation. You subconsciously learn the rules of how to be in a family, by watching your parents, your siblings, and those who may train a child through daycare settings or preschool/kindergarten teachers. So between the ages of 0-7 you are learning about money, relationships, and love unconsciously just by watching and observing. Poverty is a mindset that perpetuates to the next generation. It is the same with prosperity. It is a mindset that is caught over time by watching and observing. Since money is a very important piece to our lives and in some cases it is people's God, then you are learing a lot about money in those early years. In order to break those mindsets we need to learn the word of God and what God teaches about money and how we are to use money. If the program you were used to hearing is "who do you think you are, you won't amount to nothing", life is hard", "we are broke all the time", we live paycheck to paycheck"...on and on. Those are like tapes that are played in your mind over and over again. So when you try to succeed at something you will find yourself sabotaging yourself because of what you have learned in those early years. If you were taught prosperity no matter what mistakes you make you will seem to prosper. If you have been taught poverty then no matter what you do you will sabotage any success. In those early years, you learn through your subconscious mind but after the age of 7, you learn through repetition. Most of your learning is repetitive, over and over again, just like learning the ABCs. You say them over and over again until you have learned them. To overcome mindsets of poverty and lack you must through repetition change those mindsets. That is where the word of God comes in. Jeremiah 23:29 says "Is not My word like a fire?" says the Lord, "And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces"? The word of God is like a hammer to those hard mindsets that were developed over time. We need the mind and heart of God in the area of finances because GOD HAS A MORE EXCELLENT WAY and it is not the way of the world, or the way you have been taught. So let's lay the groundwork for how God does things. Money is a tool that is used to advance His Kingdom, not ours. Wealth in the hands of the wrong people can be devastating. Just look at our nation. Right now we are seeing man's kingdom trying to be established which creates wealth for their gain and everyone else in poverty. It is a sick system that is crumbling. Most of us have never been taught what true riches are. We have been taught to live our lives in luxury and for ourselves. You work to make a living, have nicer things, and build your retirement. Ultimately, you are left with a skeleton of a life you could have had. Matthew 6:33 AMPC - "But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. There is something called the American Dream but it is actually the American Lie. Kids are taught early to think about a good education, good grades, good college, so you can work for a good company and make a living. The reality is that most kids come out of school barely educated, go to college, and end up in $60K debt and trying to find a good job. Statistically only 45% of college graduates actually go into the field of their degree. Staggering statistic. I never went to college and I am not against education but where God sends you God will fund the work. If God wants you to go to college to fulfill His purpose for your life, provision will be there to do that. Ecclesiastes 4:4 ESV - "Then I saw that all toil and all skill in work come from a man's envy of his neighbor. This also is vanity and a striving after the wind." GOD HAS A MORE EXCELLENT WAY The Spirit of God is a prophetic spirit and we know that the Spirit of God is our helper and will lead us into all truth (John 16:13). He will lead us in the path we are to follow and in that path will be provision for what God is calling you to do. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. You can determine in your heart to align yourself with that purpose, no matter your age. It is natural to begin to think about college, a good job, and making money. However, none of that compares to the call of God on your life, and within that call is all the provision you will need to accomplish it. Ecclesiastes 3:9-11 AMPC - "He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]--yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done [His overall plan] from the beginning to the end". EVERYTHING GOD HAS PLANNED FOR YOUR LIFE HAS ETERNITY ATTACHED TO IT. THE DESIRE TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND GOD'S PURPOSES WAS PLACED WITHIN US BY GOD. God knows just how to get you where you are to be and through the help of Holy Spirit will lead and guide you on the right path. Where God calls you, God funds the work. We simply must learn to cooperate with His plan. Exodus gives us the foundation we need and provides clarity in God's ways. We know the story well, how God sent Moses to deliver his people out of their bondage. God told Moses "Go to Pharoah and tell him to let my people go so they can worship me". We understand through a series of mighty acts the children of Israel began their journey into the wilderness. Prior to them leaving. God told Moses to tell the women to go to their neighbor and take their gold, silver, and clothing (Exodus 12:35-36). They plundered the enemy's camp before leaving Egypt. Then God healed them all. The Bible says there was not one feeble among them (Psalm 105:37). In their captivity, it was marked by sickness, disease, and poverty. When God showed up he healed them all and put in their hands the wealth of the wicked. They left their captivity healed and wealthy. John 10:10 says "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you life and life more abundantly. As they began their journey into the wilderness after seeing God's mighty hand of deliverance the children of Israel began to complain. Some even wanted to go back. Why would they want to go back to their captivity? Because God can deliver you from your oppression in a second, however, your mind is going to need to be renewed by the word of God. You are going to have to get rid of some stinkin' thinking along the way. Two months into their journey they arrive at Mt. Sinai. It was there that Moses went to the top of the mountain to meet with God. God immediately instructs Moses to go down to His people and consecrate them because in 3 days he is going to visit His people. So they washed their clothes and prepared themselves to meet with God. God descended over the people in a thick cloud. Then Moses was told to go back up to the mountain where God began to lay out the rules, ordinances, and the 10 commandments for the people to live by. God then tells Moses very specifically to take up an offering from the people because God wanted them to build him a Tabernacle. A place where His presence would abide. The people had a heart to give and by today's standard would have been around 500 million dollars. They had to tell the people to stop giving because they had so much. On that mountaintop, Moses receives very detailed instructions on how to build the Tabernacle. Think about it, Moses didn't have an iPad, computer, typewriter, or even a pen and paper. God instilled in Moses his blueprint for building the Tabernacle. Moses knew exactly what to do. For some of you, God is going to download the exact blueprint needed for building. For some of you, God is going to download a blueprint of something ingenious that could in an instant make you rich. God can give you a dream and show you an invention. Because of that transference of wealth before the children of Israel left Egypt, the people had everything they needed for Moses to fulfill what God had told him to build. God then appointed certain men within the camp and filled them with the Spirit of God in wisdom and skill, in understanding and intelligence, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship (Exodus 31:3-5). Where did these gifted men come from? Their own camp. What a picture for our life. God provides the resources to do what He is calling you to do, gives you the blueprint to begin to build, and provides the skill set needed to accomplish the work. There is a more excellent way. What a high call God has given us! Deuteronomy 8:18 AMPC - "For it is God that gives you the ability to create wealth". I want to encourage you that God has a more excellent way and if you follow His way you will succeed and your life will be filled with God's presence and anointing. This is what our teenagers need to learn before they begin to make lifelong decisions based on what everyone else is telling them to do. Parents, your children can hear from God. If they will press into Holy Spirit and listen to his voice, read the word of God, God will begin to direct their paths to His purpose for their lives. Sometimes as parents, we just need to allow Holy Spirit to direct our children in the way they should go. Take your hands off of trying to direct them and trust God to show them a more excellent way. Pray for them...yes, but give room for God to move in their lives and be there as confirmation of that direction because you as a parent have also heard from God. This is not a difficult thing...it just requires FAITH. We are a FAITH people. Sunday, September 29 2024
I just returned from South Dakota where we once again laid a family member to rest. The scene is becoming all too familiar. We have laid to rest my Mother, Father, and now my Step-father within the past 7 years. My parents were married June 6th, 1958 and together they had four children. Sadly, as is prevalent in our society their marriage ended in divorce. Both remarried and our family grew significantly. Family is God’s idea. I don’t know if you have noticed but you have no control over who is your family. God placed you in that family. God is our creator. He formed man from the dust and breathed his life into him. God established family. We are his children…his creation. Then why do we feel so disconnected? Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Genesis 1:26-28 The answer to why we feel disconnected is simple for me. We live in a fallen world. We live in a world where there is greed, pride, selfishness and it is rooted in evil. God didn’t create evil. God created a beautiful garden and provided for his children. A perfect garden. God placed Adam in that garden to tend that garden. Then he created Eve and Adam was given a perfect helpmate. A perfect companion for him. The garden was perfect…until the serpent deceived Eve into thinking it was good to eat of the forbidden fruit. She disobeyed God and that garden that was paradise to them they were removed from. Let’s recap…God created man and placed him in a perfect environment, then created woman and there was perfect harmony…until the woman disobeyed God. In my travels I see a lot broken families. Through divorce, death, trauma, or pride those families eventually fall apart and go their separate ways. Usually in their quest to “find” themselves they seek after things that only further their despair and loneliness. In the meantime, the children are left walking a path God never intended for them to walk. Unfortunately, I see it among Christians today. So many disconnected from the family of God. God designed his family to live in perfect communion with their Father and his children. But as is prevalent in families we come from broken homes and broken relationships and wonder why we can’t find our place in the household of God. We go out from among them and start our own little world with God. Forgetting God has placed you in the family for a reason. There is no way to find your purpose outside of the family of God. We are connected and when one is not there we are disjointed. I recently visited with a man I have known for many years. He began to share with me his revelations that he has with God and his passion for the things of God. I asked him where he fellowships - who he is connected to in the body of Christ. His response was all too familiar — “I don’t fellowship anywhere. He said, however that he is in the ministry. He is trying to get to that “place” in God all by himself. The problem is God places us in family. Without that family you are disjointed. That means there is no flow of anointing coming into your life. It is a bad deception to be walking in. As the body of Christ, iron sharpens iron. Your revelations will never be proven out because you walk in no fellowship with other believers. Deception will rule and your revelation will be wrong. If you are not walking in fellowship with God’s family and where he has placed you in that family you can’t see properly. You can become very easily deceived into thinking you are right with God when in fact you are in complete disobedience to his plan. God never designed divorce. Man’s choices and pride created families to be tore apart and children to flounder their whole life because they lack identity. Father’s bring identity and it is no wonder that our society today devalues the role of a man. Men are nutured and castrated in our society and made to be like women. Women are trying to exert authority that only God gave a man in family. Woman was never intended to carry the weight of the family. It was never God’s design for children to grow up in a home that is broken. It leaves a heart broken and confused. God not only placed us in a natural family that provides direction, support, love, but also challenges us to grow. God also placed us in a spiritual family that is His. You don’t go to a building…you go to a family. A family that challenges you, loves you, supports you and gives you the ability to grow in all that God has called you to do. Christians who don’t want to be part of a family throw out the term “we are not a building” as an excuse to be part of the family of God. Just as when their is no father in the home the children have no identity, so it is in God’s house. If you are not connected to a body you lack identity and purpose. You will never fulfill your “ministry” outside of the family of God. Divorce is ugly and it causes families to be misplaced. The children grow up trying to find their way without ever having that identity from a Father. I am bringing no condemnation to those have divorced because there is redemption. God created a perfect garden but because of the sin of disobedience, they were removed from that garden. Sin separates us from each other and our relationship with God. God sent his son to die on the cross in perfect obedience to his Father. Through one act of disobedience history was changed so one act of obedience set everything right. You can walk in that peace again. You can find that garden again through what Jesus paid on the cross for us. If you have found yourself in a difficult place because you know you have not been walking where you are supposed to be then you can repent for going your own and turn back to God. Be restored to your Father and let God place you in the family he choose for you and watch your life become a fruitful place. If you are ready for change in your life and see that you need to be connected to God’s family pray with me… Father, I come before you and confess that I have sinned against your perfect plan for my life. Through disobedience I have gone my own way and choose my own path and it has left me empty. I desire your path Father for my life. Thank you that through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus I can be reconciled to my Father and His family and be restored. I can know what it is to walk in a family who loves me and desires the best for me. Father, thank you for placing me in that perfect garden where I can thrive and grow into all that you created me for. I need your family and I need my Father. I need what you have put in that family in order to accomplish all that you set forth to do in my life. I trust you now Father to guide me to where you want me to be. Restore my family natually and spiritually. Place me Father where you desire me to be and I will follow. Amen and Amen! Now if you will spend time in God’s word and ask the Father to show you where you belong—God through Holy Spirit will begin to guide you to where you need to be connected. Allow God to shape you through His family and your life will begin to become fruitful and productive and you will find joy because you are fulfilling your purpose in this earth. Bless you on this wonderful journey called life! I would love to give you FREE a guide I have called “God Has A More Excellent Way”. You will see God’s design for family through the life of Moses as he led the children of Israel out of captivity. It is a powerful story of how God redeems families. If you would like to have a copy visit this link at https://kingdombuildersdesign.com/main/god_has_a_more_excellent_way/. You can download that for FREE. My gift to you for taking the time to read this post. Tammy Kveene Saturday, August 10 2024
MONEY IS A TOOL TO MAKE AN ETERNAL DIFFERENCE 2 Corinthians 9:8-11. AMP And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come in abundance to you, so that you may always (under all circumstances, regardless of the need) have complete sufficiency in everything (being completely self-sufficient in Him), and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity. As it is written and forever remains written, He (the benevolent and generous person) SCATTERED ABROAD, HE GAVE TO THE POOR, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ENDURES FOREVER! Now he who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed for sowing (that is, your resources) and increase the harvest of your righteousness (which shows itself in active goodness kindness, and love). You will be enriched in every way so that you may be generous, and this (generosity, administered) through us is producing thanksgiving to God (from those who benefit). For the ministry of this service (offering) is not only supplying the needs of the saints (God’s people), but is also overflowing through many expressions of thanksgiving to God. Ephesians 3:20 - Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Has God given you BIG promises? As you press in Gods presence he will show you things to come. You may have already been seeing something in your spirit about changes coming to your life, business or ministry. I believe God has been expanding our capacity to receive from Him. We have to go beyond our abilities. When our capacity to give is expanded so is our capacity to receive. Luke 6:38 says “Whatever measure you use to give—large or small—will be used to measure what is given back to you”. Our capacity determines our blessing flow. Most people only have faith for their own needs. They are not really actively trying to expand that. They are faithful in their tithes and once in awhile they give an offering. The tithe is from your past income. The tithe is from something you already have. We give 10% of what we earned, whether that be from our jobs or businesses or even money that comes into our hands form other sources. That is our first fruit. We give back to God 10% of whatever we make. The tithe honors God and it belongs to where you are feed. Beyond that we seem to drop the ball in the area of offerings. We need to set some goals for this year personally. It is not enough to just give your tithe if you are expecting to step into an abundance for every good work. The offering is necessary to step into an abundance and see increase. I have never been a goal setting person. Just as I have never really budgeted. God has been dealing with me about setting goals in my tithes and offerings. It takes as much faith to believe God for 1 car as it does 2. So why not believe for 2 and give one away. Believe God for what you need but take it a step farther and use it to advance the Kingdom of God. We don’t just believe God for OUR needs to be met we need to believe God for kingdom purposes. We need to get behind our local church more concerning what God has laid upon the heart of our Pastors. When God releases vision through our Pastors it does not become their responsibility to see it come to pass it is ours. That means we need to begin to carry the weight financially to see that vision become reality. Here are some principles to think about as we head into 2025. God is going to give some of us businesses for the purpose of creating kingdom wealth because the church needs the resources to complete the work.
As we head into this near year be a fruit inspector. What is producing fruit and what is not producing. This is whether you are a ministry or have a business. You need to cut away what is not growing. There are some people that may have to be positioned differently to see growth. There is people that God will attach to this vision who will build with us and there are people God uses as scaffolding. Scaffolding is installed at the very beginning of any construction project or maintenance work. It is a temporary platform that offers support, elevation, and enables workers to carry materials and conduct their work during the construction process. They are here to help build but there is a time they will go. When developing goals figure out how much money you want. If you want personally to have $100K a year for your household then you are going to tithe the 10% on that income. But what would happen if God so breathed on your finances that he gave you 200K a year. Then give God everything over 100K not just the 10%. God will breathe on, increase and multiply what you are asking for but it is for his KINGDOM PURPOSES. See how different we should look at this. Most of us would just give the 10% on what God breathed on. It takes the same amount of faith to believe God for 100K as it does to believe God for 200K. God wants to multiply your work and bless it but you must determine what is for you and what is for God. For those aspiring to be in ministry…consider that some of you may not be in pulpit ministry but in a much needed ministry of funding the Kingdom work. The last day move of God is a marketplace move. Some of us God wants to use to funnel the wealth of the wicked into the hands of righteous people to be used for kingdom purposes. Allow Holy Spirit to breath upon you a strategy for creating wealth. You may not have the skill set for it now but God will equip you with whatever skills you need to get the job done. We have so limited God to what we can see around us. We need to allow Holy Spirit to dream through us and let him do in us what he desires. Exodus 31:3-5. And I have filled him (God telling Moses regarding Bezalel and Hur) with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts. He is a master craftsman, expert in working with gold, silver, and bronze. He is skilled in engraving and mounting gemstones and in carving wood. He is a master at every craft! GOD IS GOING TO SHOW YOU A MORE EXCELLANT WAY. GOD IS GOING TO GIVE YOU A BLUEPRINT OR STRATEGY AND IT IS GOING TO BE A DIFFERENT WAY AND DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU DID BEFORE. GOD IS GOING TO SHOW YOU A DIFFERENT WAY. IT IS SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH. IT IS GOING TO BE THE HOLY GHOST. Some of you have been doing what you always do without considering God may want to move you into other things to fund the work of the Kingdom. Many businesses not just your 9-5 job. We must expand out capacity to receive from God. Retired folks in this church. God still needs us to begin to allow him to use us and expand us. Some of us may start businesses in retirement. As Dr. Rodney Howard Browne says it is time to get refired instead of retired. Tammy Thursday, April 25 2024
Everything in the Kingdom of God started with a SEED! Just as a farmer tends to his field, God gave gifts to the church to help tend the field in preparation for a mighty HARVEST. Each of these gifts were given to the body to equip us to do the work of the ministry. Jesus died for people. His reward is people. Everything God does is for the building up of the Body of Christ, His family. So God sets in place gifts that are to prepare us for the advancing of His kingdom in the earth. Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12 NLT Everything in the Kingdom of God is established around SEED - TIME - HARVEST. As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. Genesis 8:22 Then God said “Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”. And it was so. Genesis 1:11 NKJV My heart is so stirred lately knowing that we are at the beginning of what I sense is a mighty HARVEST coming to our lives. For many of us we have sowed and sowed and sowed. There is much SEED in the ground. Well, what does a SEED do? It either produces something or we have crop failure. So consider the process of a farmer and the preparation of the soil for the SEEDS he will sow. A farmer will plow his field in preparation for the planting of the SEED. That preparation includes:
God sends a GIFT into the hard, dry places to dig up the soil that has become callous, hard, and dry to the things of God in the heart of a people. That plowing of dry hard places is the preaching of the word of God with power. Does not my word burn like fire?” says the Lord. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock in pieces?”. Jeremiah 23:29 The word of God preached with power will break up the stony hard heart of a person’s life, just like a farmer has to till up the ground to make it ready to receive the SEED planted. Once the SEED is planted the farmer begins to nuture that SEED through watering, feeding, and weeding. God will send a revivalist into a place to break up the hard ground to prepare it to receive the SEED that is planted. That SEED of revival is planted in an individual’s life and through the life of a pastoral gift that SEED is watered and tended to. Crops are hungry! Once the SEED is planted, hunger is planted in the heart of an individual. If the atmosphere is tended properly that SEED will grow and mature. That SEED is watered, the ground remains fertile for that SEED to produce. There is weed management because the weeds will take the nutrients away from the SEED, which then competes with the SEED so it must be removed. Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming! Song of Songs 2:15. Those weeds or foxes in our life come to devour the SEED and overtake it. The pastoral gift tends to the flock not only by nurturing and watering the SEED planted but keeping the weeds pulled and the foxes out of the garden. That is why Pastors in our lives are so vital. They see what needs to be pulled out of our lives so that we can produce a greater harvest. Without that covering in our lives we can be self-deceived and not see the areas that are choking off our potential HARVEST. We all have blind spots and those blind spots keep us from seeing the truth. God graces a Pastor with the ability to see what we can’t see. We think they are abusive when they hurt our feelings. A true pastoral gift will care more about pulling those weeds and not care as much about offending in the process because they know that if they don’t deal with those weeds they will overtake our lives and destroy the SEED planted. There is much at stake when a SEED is planted in our hearts and must be protected so that we see that great HARVEST in our lives. Our cooperation with that gift is vital for our maturity. God at times in our life will bring a prophetic voice to release vision into our lives so we can see where we are going. Without vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). That word released is also a SEED planted in our heart that must be tended to or there will be crop failure. That word released has all the power in it to come to pass. Again, our cooperation with those that God sends to us is to prepare us to be ready for the HARVEST that is coming. Vision is birthed in our heart and with the help of our Pastor that vision can come to pass in our lives. Thank God he did not leave us to figure this all out on our own. He sent us gifts to help so we produce fruit in our lives. I share all that because in the process of our development and coming into the fullness of all God has for us, that SEED planted is vital and in the process of TIME there will be a HARVEST. As believers that is why tithe and offerings are so important. We through our giving plant a SEED, and through the process of TIME we tend to that SEED by protecting it and watering it until the time of HARVEST. Everything starts with a SEED and in our lives how we tend to that SEED is the harvest we will eventually produce. Either for good or for bad. Every seed you plant will produce a harvest. For some we need to pray for a crop failure with some bad seed that has been sown. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 We are coming into a time of great HARVEST. The SEED of revival has been planted in the hearts of people all over this nation. The SEED has been watered through prayer. Preparation has been made in our hearts and now we will see a HARVEST come forth in this land. It is through the process of TIME that we are ready to see the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose in our lives. If we forfeit TIME we won’t be prepared. Too many quit in the process of TIME. Through impatience, hurt, offense, discouragement people simply fall out of the race and give up. Don’t abort the process because in the span of TIME you will see all that God promised you. You will understand why he has you where he has you because he is protecting the SEED in preparation for a mighty HARVEST. God is a good Father and he will fulfill every promise he has given us through his WORD. You have His WORD on it. Take His WORD and use it as a weapon against those WEEDS that are trying to choke out your HARVEST. The enemy in our life comes to steal, kill, and destroy and his whole purpose is to destroy the HARVEST coming. If he can get you to abort the process through unbelief, doubt, offense, anything that becomes a weed to kill the seed of nutrients he will try. Guard you heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Tend to your heart, guard it, protect it, nurture it and you will see the HARVEST in due season if you do not faint (Galatians 6:9). Trust those that God has placed in your life to help you get to where you need to be in the fulfillment of God’s promise to you. They are like that farmer protecting the seed. They have an investment into your life and I pray that everyone who reads this finds that place where the SEED can be planted, watered and protected until HARVEST. Blessings, Tammy Kveene |