Sunday, September 29 2024
I just returned from South Dakota where we once again laid a family member to rest. The scene is becoming all too familiar. We have laid to rest my Mother, Father, and now my Step-father within the past 7 years. My parents were married June 6th, 1958 and together they had four children. Sadly, as is prevalent in our society their marriage ended in divorce. Both remarried and our family grew significantly. Family is God’s idea. I don’t know if you have noticed but you have no control over who is your family. God placed you in that family. God is our creator. He formed man from the dust and breathed his life into him. God established family. We are his children…his creation. Then why do we feel so disconnected? Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Genesis 1:26-28 The answer to why we feel disconnected is simple for me. We live in a fallen world. We live in a world where there is greed, pride, selfishness and it is rooted in evil. God didn’t create evil. God created a beautiful garden and provided for his children. A perfect garden. God placed Adam in that garden to tend that garden. Then he created Eve and Adam was given a perfect helpmate. A perfect companion for him. The garden was perfect…until the serpent deceived Eve into thinking it was good to eat of the forbidden fruit. She disobeyed God and that garden that was paradise to them they were removed from. Let’s recap…God created man and placed him in a perfect environment, then created woman and there was perfect harmony…until the woman disobeyed God. In my travels I see a lot broken families. Through divorce, death, trauma, or pride those families eventually fall apart and go their separate ways. Usually in their quest to “find” themselves they seek after things that only further their despair and loneliness. In the meantime, the children are left walking a path God never intended for them to walk. Unfortunately, I see it among Christians today. So many disconnected from the family of God. God designed his family to live in perfect communion with their Father and his children. But as is prevalent in families we come from broken homes and broken relationships and wonder why we can’t find our place in the household of God. We go out from among them and start our own little world with God. Forgetting God has placed you in the family for a reason. There is no way to find your purpose outside of the family of God. We are connected and when one is not there we are disjointed. I recently visited with a man I have known for many years. He began to share with me his revelations that he has with God and his passion for the things of God. I asked him where he fellowships - who he is connected to in the body of Christ. His response was all too familiar — “I don’t fellowship anywhere. He said, however that he is in the ministry. He is trying to get to that “place” in God all by himself. The problem is God places us in family. Without that family you are disjointed. That means there is no flow of anointing coming into your life. It is a bad deception to be walking in. As the body of Christ, iron sharpens iron. Your revelations will never be proven out because you walk in no fellowship with other believers. Deception will rule and your revelation will be wrong. If you are not walking in fellowship with God’s family and where he has placed you in that family you can’t see properly. You can become very easily deceived into thinking you are right with God when in fact you are in complete disobedience to his plan. God never designed divorce. Man’s choices and pride created families to be tore apart and children to flounder their whole life because they lack identity. Father’s bring identity and it is no wonder that our society today devalues the role of a man. Men are nutured and castrated in our society and made to be like women. Women are trying to exert authority that only God gave a man in family. Woman was never intended to carry the weight of the family. It was never God’s design for children to grow up in a home that is broken. It leaves a heart broken and confused. God not only placed us in a natural family that provides direction, support, love, but also challenges us to grow. God also placed us in a spiritual family that is His. You don’t go to a building…you go to a family. A family that challenges you, loves you, supports you and gives you the ability to grow in all that God has called you to do. Christians who don’t want to be part of a family throw out the term “we are not a building” as an excuse to be part of the family of God. Just as when their is no father in the home the children have no identity, so it is in God’s house. If you are not connected to a body you lack identity and purpose. You will never fulfill your “ministry” outside of the family of God. Divorce is ugly and it causes families to be misplaced. The children grow up trying to find their way without ever having that identity from a Father. I am bringing no condemnation to those have divorced because there is redemption. God created a perfect garden but because of the sin of disobedience, they were removed from that garden. Sin separates us from each other and our relationship with God. God sent his son to die on the cross in perfect obedience to his Father. Through one act of disobedience history was changed so one act of obedience set everything right. You can walk in that peace again. You can find that garden again through what Jesus paid on the cross for us. If you have found yourself in a difficult place because you know you have not been walking where you are supposed to be then you can repent for going your own and turn back to God. Be restored to your Father and let God place you in the family he choose for you and watch your life become a fruitful place. If you are ready for change in your life and see that you need to be connected to God’s family pray with me… Father, I come before you and confess that I have sinned against your perfect plan for my life. Through disobedience I have gone my own way and choose my own path and it has left me empty. I desire your path Father for my life. Thank you that through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus I can be reconciled to my Father and His family and be restored. I can know what it is to walk in a family who loves me and desires the best for me. Father, thank you for placing me in that perfect garden where I can thrive and grow into all that you created me for. I need your family and I need my Father. I need what you have put in that family in order to accomplish all that you set forth to do in my life. I trust you now Father to guide me to where you want me to be. Restore my family natually and spiritually. Place me Father where you desire me to be and I will follow. Amen and Amen! Now if you will spend time in God’s word and ask the Father to show you where you belong—God through Holy Spirit will begin to guide you to where you need to be connected. Allow God to shape you through His family and your life will begin to become fruitful and productive and you will find joy because you are fulfilling your purpose in this earth. Bless you on this wonderful journey called life! I would love to give you FREE a guide I have called “God Has A More Excellent Way”. You will see God’s design for family through the life of Moses as he led the children of Israel out of captivity. It is a powerful story of how God redeems families. If you would like to have a copy visit this link at You can download that for FREE. My gift to you for taking the time to read this post. Tammy Kveene |