Thursday, April 25 2024
Everything in the Kingdom of God started with a SEED! Just as a farmer tends to his field, God gave gifts to the church to help tend the field in preparation for a mighty HARVEST. Each of these gifts were given to the body to equip us to do the work of the ministry. Jesus died for people. His reward is people. Everything God does is for the building up of the Body of Christ, His family. So God sets in place gifts that are to prepare us for the advancing of His kingdom in the earth. Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12 NLT Everything in the Kingdom of God is established around SEED - TIME - HARVEST. As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. Genesis 8:22 Then God said “Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”. And it was so. Genesis 1:11 NKJV My heart is so stirred lately knowing that we are at the beginning of what I sense is a mighty HARVEST coming to our lives. For many of us we have sowed and sowed and sowed. There is much SEED in the ground. Well, what does a SEED do? It either produces something or we have crop failure. So consider the process of a farmer and the preparation of the soil for the SEEDS he will sow. A farmer will plow his field in preparation for the planting of the SEED. That preparation includes:
God sends a GIFT into the hard, dry places to dig up the soil that has become callous, hard, and dry to the things of God in the heart of a people. That plowing of dry hard places is the preaching of the word of God with power. Does not my word burn like fire?” says the Lord. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock in pieces?”. Jeremiah 23:29 The word of God preached with power will break up the stony hard heart of a person’s life, just like a farmer has to till up the ground to make it ready to receive the SEED planted. Once the SEED is planted the farmer begins to nuture that SEED through watering, feeding, and weeding. God will send a revivalist into a place to break up the hard ground to prepare it to receive the SEED that is planted. That SEED of revival is planted in an individual’s life and through the life of a pastoral gift that SEED is watered and tended to. Crops are hungry! Once the SEED is planted, hunger is planted in the heart of an individual. If the atmosphere is tended properly that SEED will grow and mature. That SEED is watered, the ground remains fertile for that SEED to produce. There is weed management because the weeds will take the nutrients away from the SEED, which then competes with the SEED so it must be removed. Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming! Song of Songs 2:15. Those weeds or foxes in our life come to devour the SEED and overtake it. The pastoral gift tends to the flock not only by nurturing and watering the SEED planted but keeping the weeds pulled and the foxes out of the garden. That is why Pastors in our lives are so vital. They see what needs to be pulled out of our lives so that we can produce a greater harvest. Without that covering in our lives we can be self-deceived and not see the areas that are choking off our potential HARVEST. We all have blind spots and those blind spots keep us from seeing the truth. God graces a Pastor with the ability to see what we can’t see. We think they are abusive when they hurt our feelings. A true pastoral gift will care more about pulling those weeds and not care as much about offending in the process because they know that if they don’t deal with those weeds they will overtake our lives and destroy the SEED planted. There is much at stake when a SEED is planted in our hearts and must be protected so that we see that great HARVEST in our lives. Our cooperation with that gift is vital for our maturity. God at times in our life will bring a prophetic voice to release vision into our lives so we can see where we are going. Without vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). That word released is also a SEED planted in our heart that must be tended to or there will be crop failure. That word released has all the power in it to come to pass. Again, our cooperation with those that God sends to us is to prepare us to be ready for the HARVEST that is coming. Vision is birthed in our heart and with the help of our Pastor that vision can come to pass in our lives. Thank God he did not leave us to figure this all out on our own. He sent us gifts to help so we produce fruit in our lives. I share all that because in the process of our development and coming into the fullness of all God has for us, that SEED planted is vital and in the process of TIME there will be a HARVEST. As believers that is why tithe and offerings are so important. We through our giving plant a SEED, and through the process of TIME we tend to that SEED by protecting it and watering it until the time of HARVEST. Everything starts with a SEED and in our lives how we tend to that SEED is the harvest we will eventually produce. Either for good or for bad. Every seed you plant will produce a harvest. For some we need to pray for a crop failure with some bad seed that has been sown. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 We are coming into a time of great HARVEST. The SEED of revival has been planted in the hearts of people all over this nation. The SEED has been watered through prayer. Preparation has been made in our hearts and now we will see a HARVEST come forth in this land. It is through the process of TIME that we are ready to see the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose in our lives. If we forfeit TIME we won’t be prepared. Too many quit in the process of TIME. Through impatience, hurt, offense, discouragement people simply fall out of the race and give up. Don’t abort the process because in the span of TIME you will see all that God promised you. You will understand why he has you where he has you because he is protecting the SEED in preparation for a mighty HARVEST. God is a good Father and he will fulfill every promise he has given us through his WORD. You have His WORD on it. Take His WORD and use it as a weapon against those WEEDS that are trying to choke out your HARVEST. The enemy in our life comes to steal, kill, and destroy and his whole purpose is to destroy the HARVEST coming. If he can get you to abort the process through unbelief, doubt, offense, anything that becomes a weed to kill the seed of nutrients he will try. Guard you heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Tend to your heart, guard it, protect it, nurture it and you will see the HARVEST in due season if you do not faint (Galatians 6:9). Trust those that God has placed in your life to help you get to where you need to be in the fulfillment of God’s promise to you. They are like that farmer protecting the seed. They have an investment into your life and I pray that everyone who reads this finds that place where the SEED can be planted, watered and protected until HARVEST. Blessings, Tammy Kveene |